Ryan Wayne White was an American teenager from Kokomo, Indiana . Ryan was born with hemophilia A, a rare, inherited disorder in which the blood system does not clot normally because of an inability to produce "factor VIII," a prosaically named protein related to this critical process. When a hemophiliac suffers a blunt or bruising injury to the body, internal bleeding often occurs, which causes damage to one's organs and can be life-threatening. Although there is no cure for hemophilia, doctors treat the bleeding episodes with injections of factor VIII to help the clotting process along. But in the years (say 80's) before the threat of HIV/AIDS became widely understood, this substance was pooled and isolated from thousands of anonymous and untested blood donations. What no one knew back then was that every time a pediatrician administered this seemingly life-saving elixir, there was a real risk of administering an HIV-contaminated dose. This was the way i...
Your friendly neighborhood doctor.