Imagine how it would be like, when you have the feeling that you are trapped inside a room that’s far too small. As if you are a giant. Maybe funny when experimenting with some kind of hallucinating drugs. But pretty scary when it constantly seems like the world is just not big enough for you. The condition in which people perceive objects as much smaller than they actually are is called micropsia, or the ‘Alice in Wonderland Syndrome’ or the 'Lilliput sight'. The syndrome was first described in 1955 by the English psychiatrist John Todd (1914-1987). Todd named it, of course, for Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll . Perhaps not coincidentally, Lewis Carroll suffered from severe migraine. Also known as a Lilliputian hallucination. Alice in Wonderland Syndrome ( AiWS ), also known as Todd's syndrome or dysmetropsia , is a disorienting neuropsychological condition that affects perception . People may experience distortions in vis...
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